Retain 95% of Your Solvent Chemistry

Improve Sustainability and Cleaning Costs
正确的工业金属清洗工艺可以使或破坏整个操作的生产力和盈利能力. But, today, 制造商正在从高效的溶剂清洗转向更可持续的化学品.

What if you could refresh, recirculate, 并重复使用溶剂脱脂剂来有效地清洁脂肪, oils, 去除精密零件的污垢,保持清洁效果,减少对环境的影响?

You can with DOWCLENE™ and DUALENE™.

DOWCLENE™: The Sustainable Organic Solvent

SAFECHEM®DOWCLENE™是一款几乎不需要更换的溶剂清洁剂系列, which means less waste – and less cost – for you.

这些高性能改性酒精消毒液性能稳定, 具有特定配方的低毒性溶剂,用于封闭的SAFECHEM清洁系统. The system is fully contained, 并且可以与DOWCLENE™MAXISTAB稳定剂一起使用,以防止白色金属或水基降解,这些降解可能会过早地降解您的清洁溶剂.

DOWCLENE™经DIN ISO 10993-5生物相容性认证, 20091年批准用于医疗和航空航天应用.

DUALENE™: Pre-stabilized Sustainable Organic Solvent

SAFECHEM®DUALENE™是低毒性的新选择, 高性能改良清洁剂,具有一流的稳定性.

DUALENE™1601 S是第一款用于广泛金属清洗应用的预稳定改性酒精. With a  内置碱度缓冲,DUALENE™1601 S具有独特的能力 to bolster process stability at the start of the cleaning process,  compared to other modified alcohols.

DUALENE™1601 S提高了所有应用的过程安全性. 建议用于要求高稳定性的清洁应用,例如:

  • 清洗氯化油,以防止形成盐酸,可以腐蚀关键设备部件

  • 在存在大量金属颗粒的情况下进行清洗, 哪些会增加设备中酸的形成

  • Cleaning unknown contaminants

SAFECHEM市场开发经理Michael Onken表示:

DOWCLENE™* 1601和DUALENE™1601 S具有独特的性能,可以像冷却乳液或固体(如盐)一样有效地去除某些极性污染物, particles, and abrasives. This makes them highly versatile, 有效的清洗剂,适用于最苛刻的场合, high-value manufacturing sectors, 从航空航天和汽车到医疗技术和精密工程.

传统的改性醇容易产生有机酸, 或者不能很好地与硫化油或氯化油反应. DOWCLENE™* 1601和DUALENE™1601 S的一个明显优势是,清洁过程可以通过创新的MAXISTAB™S系列稳定剂进行优化和稳定. 预防性稳定不仅可以抵消有机酸的影响, sulfur compounds, hydrochloric acid and chlorides, 它还可以延长DOWCLENE™* 1601和DUALENE™1601 S的使用寿命, reduce the need for bath exchange, and safeguard sensitive parts of the cleaning machine. As a result, 由于减少了溶剂消耗和最大的工艺稳定性,用户可以从较低的使用成本中受益, even when cleaning highly chlorinated oils.”

DOWCLENE™ 16 series Performance Spectrum

DOWCLENE™ 16 series Performance Spectrum
DOWCLENE™ and DUALENE™ solvents (DOWCLENE™* 1601, DOWCLENE™ 1601-S, DOWCLENE™* 1621, 和DUALENE™1601 S)适用于去除各种污染物.

Want Some Proof?

Cleaning Chlorinated Oils in Modified Alcohols

A manufacturer of complex tools for the automotive, mechanical engineering and construction industry, using primarily chrome and stainless steel, 需要一种新的清洁工艺来满足汽车行业客户的极高质量要求. A combination of DOWCLENE™* 1601 Modified Alcohol Solvent and MAXISTAB™ stabilizers finally brought the desired results.

The manufacturer realized the following benefits:

  • Reduced reloading time
  • Parts quality that met the demands of their customers
  • A more stable process

Fine Cleaning with a Robust Process

A company specializing in the degreasing, cleaning and polishing of industrial workpieces, 在他们的一个设施中有十个不同的系统和不同的处理功能, 开始看到用于精细清洗的溶剂中的酸浓度上升. Regular replacement not only increased solvent costs, 但这也意味着在清洗过程中要中断两班,让机器冷却下来. The addition of a MAXISTAB™ 稳定剂消除了溶剂的过度酸化,防止有机酸的形成, 哪些会导致垫圈腐蚀或缩短使用寿命等问题. The stabilizer also extended the bath service life.

Testing and

所有氯化溶剂都含有特定用途的稳定剂,以避免酸化. During normal
使用时,稳定剂在溶剂中的浓度逐渐降低. In most cases, re-stabilization is

  • protect both the cleaning system and the parts to be
  • cleaned from corrosion
  • maintain high cleaning quality
  • increase solvent lifespan

使用适合您需求的产品提高工艺稳定性: MAXICHECK™ test kits and MAXISTAB™ stabilizers.

hubard - hall: DOWCLENE™和DUALENE™独家经销商

hubard - hall是SAFECHEM DOWCLENE™和DUALENE™改性醇系列的北美独家经销商. 这种长期合作伙伴关系将SAFECHEM开创性的蒸汽脱脂创新与澳门威尼斯人网上赌场170年的清洁专业知识相结合,为北美公司提供针对您独特清洁要求的具体建议.

Stocked In The US
所有DOWCLENE™和DUALENE™1600系列改性醇都储存在美国通过ISO 9001-2015认证的地点,随时可以立即交付.

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